Throughout the world, there are many countries that use the “.co” sub domain. Sometimes as an alternative for the country code extension itself, sometimes also exclusively for companies. Countries where .co.xx domains are commonly used, are the following: (United Kingdom) (Japan) (India) (Israel) (Morocco) (Indonesia) (South Africa) (Korea) (Costa Rica) (Thailand) (Hungary) (Uzbekistan) (Isle of Man) (Botswana) (Greenland) (Falkland Islands) (Iran) (New Zealand) (Austria) (Antigua and Barbuda) (Angola) (Romania) (Barbados) (Burundi) (Ivory Coast) (Cook Islands) (Estonia) (Guernsey) (Jersey) (Kenya) (Lesothoa) (Malawi) (Mozambique) (Namibia) (Oman) (Pitcairn) (Rwanda) (Tajikistan) (Trinidad and Tobago) (Tanzania) (Ukraine) (Uganda) (Venezuela) (Zambia) (Zimbabwe)
Additionally, there are initiatives like’s under several other extensions. Those include Norway (, Romania ( and .com (